What I’ve been reading:
Meeting the Shadow: The Hidden Power of the Dark Side of Human Nature - essay collection edited by Connie Zweig and Jeremiah Abrams
A collection of 60+ essays by some of the most profound thinkers of the 20th Century, including Carl Jung, Marie-Louise von Franz, Rollo May, James Hillman, Ernest Becker, Robert Bly, etc. It’s like assembling the Avengers of the psyche exploration.
“The shadow usually contains values that are needed by consciousness, but that exist in a form that makes it difficult to integrate them into one's life.”
-Marie Louise Von Franz
What I’ve been watching:
10 Years with Hayao Miyazaki
This is a 4-part documentary following the creative process of one of the greatest creative geniuses and storytellers of our time and my personal creative hero, Hayao Miyazaki.
Both fun and insightful watch for anyone who appreciates Miyazaki’s films.
One of the insights that stands out the most for me is seeing just how much frustration creators have to suffer to bring to reality a story that will give joy to countless others.
What I’ve been thinking about:
Show me a person you respect, admire, or are inspired by who hasn't gone through severe internal distress and conflict as a catalyst for personal growth.
You won't find one.
The same is the case for you and me.
You're not sick or broken because you can't deal with this existence in a sedated, half-asleep way like most people do. You've started moving towards who you're supposed to be.
Thank you for reading.
Stay strong, love life, and never feel sorry for yourself.
P.S. I added a bonus lesson to Clarity Quest, my 7-day guided self-exploration.
In 7 video lessons and 7 guided introspection and journaling exercises, I will help you:
Outline your life story and start rewriting it.
Tap into your richest sources of motivation.
Discover the calling of your higher nature and find your purpose.
Organize your self-education to go from mental masturbation to actual progress.
Take control your life path into your own hands.
Build resilience for future challenges.
Bonus lesson: Fear of Growth from the perspective of Jung and Maslow.
Join 3,350+ explorers and start your Clarity Quest.
(If you’re a member of Sisyphus Society, you have access to all of this - no need to join.)
Where’s the cover image from?